Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I,A.M...Custom Color - Planet Express Collection (swatches and review)

**press sample**

The Planet Express Collection, by I,A.M...Custom Color, is inspired after one of Ashlie's favorite TV shows. Futurama is full of pop culture references and just overall hilariousness. If you have never watched it, I highly recommend it. The collection features seven polishes, two of which are variations of each other. 
Planet Express by I,A.M...Custom Color

I love doing nail art for this type of collection, but as most of you know, I broke my arm/wrist in a car accident back in August. I can do basic stuff still, like stamping and vinyls, but the very detailed art that I had hoped to do for this collection, was just not possible. I tried several times and decided to stick to normal swatches.  One of Ashlie's other swatchers Timberlin of @pamperedpolishes, did some amazing art for each polish though! Definitely go check her out!

Now, onto the polishes!

Heeya is a royal purple holo polish with iridescent flakies and micro flakies. It had a fantastic formula that was almost opaque in one coat. Fora my photos I did two very thin coats plus topcoat

This polish was inspired by Leela and her hair. It was named after her signature karate kick sound she makes!
You can watch a little compilation here, she likes to kick, a lot, lol. 

Good News Everyone!  is a mint green holo with green flecks in it. Gorgeous color! This one has a thicker formula (not in a bad way), so it is also almost completely opaque in one coat. Again for my photos I did two thin plus topcoat!

It is inspired by the professor and his scrub looking pjs he always wears, as well as his signature catch phrase. 
You can watch a compilation of it here-

Woop, Woop, Woop is a persimmon red jelly! Perfect formula! This covered really evenly on one coat, but I think the second deepened it up a bit to match whats in the bottle. 

It is inspired by Zoidberg and his signature exit phrase. She created this color after what she thought he might look like in person, or um, maybe after he has been boiled in a pot, with some butter, and now I want lobster!!! lol. You can see it here-

Shpluh! is a pink to magenta thermal polish with shimmers and holo magenta glitters including hearts and stars. Each purchases will include some for placement as well. Another great formula needing just two coats, plus topcoat. 

This is inspired by Amy, who wears a pink sweat suit all the time even though she is a martian heiress, so this polish is pink for her. Of course I couldn't find a clip of it, but if you know Ashlie, she says stuff a lot, so this was appropriate, hahah.

Bite My Shiny Metal A$$!  is a chrome metallic ultra holo with flakies  Gorgeous! This is also another one that is pretty much opaque in one coat! 

This is inspired by Bender's favorite catch phrase. You can see a compilation here-

Yahoo- Y2k Topper and Yahoo Y3k Grelly ( glitter Jelly)  are named after the phrase Fry says when he first comes out of the Cryo Freeze, if you watch this clip you will hear it-

The color is inspired by Fry's hair, it being a reddish copper color and that is what these polishes are. 

The topper, Yahoo Y2K was meant to be much more sheer but turned out pretty opaque. For my photos I did just two coats plus topcoat. This would likely look amazeballs over black or a darker shade too!

The grelly, Yahoo Y3K is glorious! It is the exact ingredients of Y2K, but this is in a black jelly base, which really gives it an all new identity!  Again for my photos I did just two coats plus topcoat

Love this collection so hard! Each polish has a fantastic formula and the colors are gorgeous! Ashlie really also nailed creating the colors base on her inspirations! 

The Planet Express Collection will be available in Ashlie's shop on December 31st (Fry gets cryo frozen December 31st 1999, hence the release date)

Thanks for reading!


  1. What a great collection! I have yet to try this brand, and I plan to change that in 2016!

  2. I just discovered Ashlie (and her bestie)'s brand(s) in the past two months, and I have fallen in loooove with these polishes. I haven't gotten around to watching Futurama yet... but I bought the collection, anyway, lol.

  3. This is such an awesome collection!
