Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Vapid Lacquer - Ride or Die (swatches and review)

**press sample**
Hi guys! I just wanted to make a quick little post about an upcoming polish being released for pre-order from Vapid this weekend!

Ride or Die is an insanely holographic polish with a subtle mutichrome shift that changes from a slight aqua to a dusty purple! It's absolutely gorgeous! As Krys so expertly described it; think of it as Cryogenic Refrigerant's shify sister! Perfect description! From a straight on photo this appears much like Cryo, but with more of a blue tone. When I move my nails around and it hits the light at different angles, the glorious shiftiness makes my heart go pitter pat!

This has a fantastic formula as well! For all of my photos I did two thin coats plus topcoat, but in reality, you can almost get away with just one medium coat. It does dry slightly dull, so you'll want to use a glossy topcoat to really make the holo pop.

Below are all of my photo that I previously shared on Vapid's Facebook Fan Page; as well as the shifty videos! I think the bottle shots really give the best representation of the color shift.

Under my ottlite

In direct sunlight

Outside: shade and direct sunlight

Under my Ottlite

Lastly, here is a quick comparison collage, so that you can see Cryo and Ride or Die next to each other
Top: Ride or Die
Bottom: Cryogenic Refrigerant

Ride or Die will be available for PRE-ORDER Saturday, June 11th through Sunday, June 19th. As of this moment, there are no plans to bring this back. It is limited edition!

They have also done a restock of the store, so be sure to check out the shop!

Thanks for reading!