Monday, October 10, 2016

Anonamaker Box for October (swatches and review)

**press sample**
Hey Bitches! Who's ready to see more of the Anonamaker Box? This fun, tongue-in-cheek box will be a bi-monthly offering and was dreamt up in the Facebook Group "Acetone Alley". This FB Group was created by my friend Delanie just this past March and is boasting a great bunch of crazy people 1100+ strong! The group is amazing because everyone pretty much acts how they would in real life, I think. If they are snarky and "tell it like it is" kind of people, you'll see if it in the group. If they are more on the quiet, polite side, you'll see that too! 

A really fun, and sometimes annoying feature of the group is the option to have a discussion/topic/bitchfest posted completely anonymously. Delanie found this great site called the Suggestion Ox where people can post something anonymously to the site, it emails it to her, and she in return posts it to the group. Sometimes its an important post with great info, but most often its where someone posts when they don't want the pitchforks coming at them or they want to throw shade and be an asshole anonymously.

Ready to see the goodies?! No...not those goodies. You pervs! If you want boobies, go check out Delanie's unboxing! Hehe! I'll be sharing the products and the makers with you, but you'll have to guess who made what! (inserts evil laugh!)

I Glitterally DGAF is a seriously gorgeous multichrome that shift from navy to purple to maroon. Depending on the lighting and the curvature of your nails you may see more or less of the shift. It's filled with various sized iridescent glitters that shift from red to orange to yellow to green, as well as a splash of holo micro glitter! Really smooth formula that was opaque for me in two thin coats plus topcoat to smooth out the glitter. This was a little on the difficult side to remove due to the glitters, but no f*cks were give because it's so pretty! (hehe..did ya see what I did there?)

with matte topcoat

#gimmefreeshit is a beautiful bright blue filled with a ton of silvery holo micro shimmer, with sparks of purple, as well as a slight lavender flash as certain angles. I had a hard time capturing the flakes. Gorgeous color though! Here I did two coats plus topcoat! Due to the shimmer you'll want to be mindful of brushstrokes, but most of them fade away as it dries. Also because there is so much shimmer, this is slightly on the thicker side. Not bad thick, just thicker than the others. (#gimmefreeshit was mentioned while discussing people that beg makers to swatch for them)

with matte topcoat

Sandy Bits is a stunning golden bronze filled with microflakes and a ton of holo! At certain angles you also get a bit of a light pink flash! Super pretty! Another smooth formula that was opaque for me in two thin coats plus topcoat! Since this is holo and flakes as opposed to glitter, it was relatively easy to remove.  These names are all awesome! I won't ever name names, but some ladies seriously seem like they have sand in their naughty bits with how bitchy they are! You know who you are......    :)

with matte topcoat

Asshat Delivery Service is a beautiful emerald green holo jelly filled with green shimmer and multichrome flakies! Here I did two coats plus topcoat, but depending on your application, you may need a third. The flakies lay pretty flat, but the topcoat really brings out the shift! This is also very easy to remove. Love this name! The perfect name to describe the insane amount of anon posts Delanie receives!

with matte topcoat

Saltitude is an amazing warm toned purple jelly base filled with tiny blue microglitters, as well as fuchsia and blue metallic hex glitters in various sizes. Gorgeous combo!  For my photos I did three thin coats plus topcoat! This might also be a good candidate to layer over a base of similar color! Due to the amount of glitter in this is will take a little extra elbow grease to remove. This baby was made for all those ladies with salty attitudes!

with matte topcoat

Twa'ffles & Syrup Cuticle Balm! The name is hilarious and the balm, while being super moisturizing and smooth on your phalanges, will also make you hungry! It reminds me of walking into a Waffle House! As the ladies in the group describe smells like Canada! Haha! The balm may smell of wonderful syrup, but I'm not exactly sure what a Twat Waffle smells like? Anyone?

The inaugural Anonamaker Box will be available for pre-order October 15th at 10am CST thru October 25th at Each box will be $50 + shipping. You'll get five full size polishes, one cuticle balm, a fun "Pass the Salt" magnet, as well as a few other surprises! The first 30 boxes will go out asap and the rest will be shipped after the pre-order. (You can also pre-order each polish as a single, as well as the balm)

Oh yeah, the brands! Guess I should probably mention those, huh? It has goodies from Ellagee Polish, Bohemian Polish, Girly Bits Cosmetics, Tonic Polish, Delush Polish and Heathers Hues! Who made what? Not telling! (inserts other evil laugh!) 

Fantastic Box, Amazing FB Group......what more could you ask for?! Ok, ok, so you might want a million dollars, but while you wait for that to never happen, be sure to get this box to keep your pissy little attitude in check! Love to all! Ha!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Fabulous swatches,and a great post. Thanks for sharing! I am soooooo excited to get this box! 😍

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This box is incredible!!! Everyone did such a stunning job. I need this!

  4. Hahahahaha! What a great box!! The colours are beautiful and I dig the names!

  5. Omgoodnes I can't see the box ��
