Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Vapid Lacquer - New Releases + Re-releases (swatches and review)

**press sample**
Hi guys! Today I have a mix of new, reformulated polishes and some comebacks to share with you! It's definitely beginning to look like Fall in Vapid Lacquer land! Let's have a looksy!

First up, the brand new release:

Smoke Screen is an amazing grey packed with multi shifting shimmers. Depending on the lighting and curvature of your nail, you may see anything from red, deep orange, yellow and even a slight hint of green! It is glorious and I am in complete love! This also has a really smooth formula that was opaque for me 2 thin coats plus topcoat! If you are a little heavy handed you may get away with just one.

Next..... some new Dirty Holos. These are basically the old version of each linear holo polish, but with the added sparkliness of holo microflakes. Instead of the polish being a linear holo, the added flakes distort the rainbow effect and give it more of a sparkly scattered holo explosion!

Chick Fight (dirty holo) is a black linear holo filled with holo microflakes! Fantastic formula on this beauty! She is opaque in one coat! Bam!

Catch Me If You Can (dirty holo) is a teal linear holo filled with holo microflakes! So..many..sparkles! Again, this formula is a perfect one coater!


Sweaters n' Denim is a fan fav! There have been people all over the nail community searching for decants of this baby; and with good reason...it's gorgeous! This is a thermal polish that is a denim blue when cold and a coppery/peachy nude when warm. It is also filled with coppery shimmer that glows in both the cold and warm states. For my photos I did just two coats plus topcoat! (In my photos the color is more accurate in the full hand shot. For some reason, my macro kept coming out very muted) 

Blackened Amethyst is one of my all time fav Vapids. It is a gorgeous deep plum, with a strong linear holo! Just beautiful! Another great formula that can be opaque in one coat; however, I did two thin coats here.

I Spike My Coffee is an awesome caramel toned nude filled with a beautiful pink micro shimmer and tiny flecks!  Here I did two thin coats plus topcoat!

Trophy Wife is quite possibly my favorite Vapid ever...well aside from Snow Fox! Its not quite what I'd call "red" red, but it's sort of a rustic red, if that makes sense. It has an ever so slight orangey tone to it. The formula is absolutely perfect too! Here is just one coat plus topcoat!

In addition to these beauties, the Fall 2016 Collection will be available again, as well as some of the core colors and Base & Topcoat. Everything will be available on Saturday, October 29th at 1pm CST. 

Be warned that there will only be one more restock this year...Black Friday! 

Thanks for reading!